Preparing for Your Abortion
If you are considering having an abortion, it is important to speak with a health care provider as soon as possible to learn about the process and about the availability of abortion services in your area. You can make an appointment at a clinic that provides abortion services or speak to a health care provider by telehealth.
At your first appointment, your health care provider will have you do some blood tests and/or an ultrasound to see how far along in your pregnancy you are. You will talk to your health care provider about your pregnancy options. Your health care provider will also take your health history and discuss plans for contraception with you. Your health care provider may give you a clinical exam and, at the end of your appointment, you may see a counselor or specialist if you would like to.
During Your Abortion
If you decide to have a medication abortion, you will usually take the medicine at home. You will You swallow a pill that blocks hormones supporting the pregnancy. After one or two days, you place other pills between your gums and cheek, under your tongue, or inside your vagina. These pills cause the uterus to contract. which causes cramping and bleeding. The abortion is usually completed three days after the first pill. You may need follow-up appointments to make sure that the abortion is complete.
If you decide to have a procedural abortion, you will have to go to the clinic or hospital. Your clinic or hospital visit might take a few hours, but the procedure itself does not take very long—about 10 to 15 minutes. Your health care provider will use local anesthesia to freeze your cervix and then will open your cervix using an instrument called a dilator. Providers may also use oral medications. A tube will be placed into your uterus and gentle suction will remove the pregnancy tissue, which may look like large blood clots.
Many people do not report any pain from a procedural abortion and can resume regular activities within a day or two. It is important to talk to your health care provider about any questions or concerns you have about the procedure, recovery time, or follow-up care.
Post-Abortion Care
After your abortion, it is important to take care of yourself. You may experience a variety of emotions after an abortion such as feelings of relief, sadness, elation, or depression. These feelings are common and may also be strong because of the hormonal changes that occur after an abortion. Most people find that these feelings do not last very long.
It is important to have a support system in place to help you after your abortion. There are digital resources out there that can also be helpful, such as My Post Care.
After your abortion, you may also be prescribed antibiotics to help prevent infections. It is important to take this medication exactly as prescribed by your health care provider. Other medications for pain and cramping may be recommended following your abortion.
You may experience some side effects following your abortion. Normal side effects may include bleeding, discharge, and pain or cramping. Some people do not experience any bleeding, whereas others may have bleeding that lasts from between two and six weeks.
While some side effects are normal, it is important to recognize if you are experiencing any abnormal side effects following your abortion. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, you could be having a medical emergency or experiencing a complication and you should seek medical care right away:
- Prolonged heavy bleeding
- Severe pain/cramps (medication does not help)
- Chills and a fever of 38 °C (101 °F) or higher the day after your procedure
- Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea that last for more than 24 hours; fainting; vaginal discharge that smells bad; depression that will not go away; or still feeling pregnant (e.g., fatigue, morning sickness, or breast/chest tenderness) more than two weeks after your procedure
Rest and recovery are very important after your abortion. Most normal side effects can be managed by rest.